About Us

About NoBox

We make and discover products that enable people to focus on what matters to them. We believe it’s important for everyone to unplug from the daily grind — and simply, have a little fun — no matter how you choose to live life outside the box.

Our products blend quality, function and design, at a cost that’s more affordable for everyone. We achieve this with the core elements of our brand:


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NoBox Parnters in Design Approach

The goal of our products and brand extends beyond quality, design, and price.

Our products have been designed and produced in partnership with businesses and individuals with big ideas that we believe support our mission.

NoBox was created as a platform to help people with cool ideas to bring them to market. As we grow, we continue to look at ways to curate unique products that we believe will help our customers live outside the box.

With NoBox products, you are supporting global enterprise and responsible business practices.

NoBox Approach To Product

A product that is going to succeed must be inclusive of tools, textures, and treats. Each product we help design, or an existing product we find, must have the “3T’s.”

NoBox “3T’s”

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